New Delhi: In this digital day and age, Jackky Bhagnani has found unique ways to present the poster of his new song Aa Jana on social media. The duo - Jackky and singer Darshan Raval, who gave a double dhamaka to their viewers, decided to have a different launch - they took to Instagram and personally interacted with all the fans. It is for the second time, the
they have come together to make some good music. Just as the poster was released, they also reminisced the first time they met on the sets of Kamariya and connected instantly like long lost brothers. Both had an interesting interaction with questions from their enthusiastic fans.

Singers Darshan Raval and Prakriti Kakkar have sung this song which is composed by DJ Chetas and Lijo George, Aa Jaana is produced by Jjust Music. The upbeat tune of this song will have you tapping your feet almost ceaselessly, Aa Jana is definitely a chartbuster.

Jjust Music has managed to establish itself as one of the most bankable music labels with popular songs like ‘Prada’ with Alia Bhatt and ‘Takda Rawan’ with Vishal Mishra. Their Navratri release ‘Choodiyan’ had international dance sensation Dytto perform alongside Jackky, which got listeners tapping to its beats. The romantic tune ‘Dim Dim Light’, engrossed listeners as Sooraj Pancholi and Larissa Bonesi grooved together. Their most recent release ‘Baahon Mein’ featuring The Doorbeen Boys is doing quite well at the music charts.

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