Ranbir, who was present here on Friday at a song launch of his upcoming film "Jagga Jasoos", said : "I suggested the title of the film and that time people laughed at me saying, 'Kya bakwaas title hai (What a useless title it is'. Today when the poster of the film released with my suggested title, I was very happy."
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Recounting how the conversation around the title had panned, Ranbir added: "I was shooting at the Mehboob Studio where Shah Rukh sir and Imtiaz were also shooting. So I went to meet them and I suggested the title while chatting with them. I am looking forward as a fan and as an audience member to watch the interesting collaboration of Imtiaz Ali and SRK."
SRK's full message regarding the connection Ranbir and his film's title had, read - "Just in case Ranbir Kapoor ever claims it... The title 'Jab Harry Met Sejal' was never ever suggested by him! So he doesn't win the Rs 5,000 reward."
Commenting on this, Ranbir said: "That time I didn't know about the reward. Now that I am aware of it, I will go to Mannat (Shah Rukh's house) to take my 5,000 rupees from Shah Rukh sir... In cash please."(Watch below!)
And guess what! Finally SRK gives in to the demand by Ranbir and when asked in an interview by HT about the Ranbeer connection with the film he was quoted saying- "I don’t want to say it but Ranbir suggested it so, we have to give him Rs 5,000 for the same (laughs). He called me the day the film was launched and said, ‘Shah Rukh bhai, the film should be called, ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’. I really liked it but Imtiaz said it’ll remind people of his old film (Jab We Met; 2007). Then, when the title song comes on, the title’s meaning also comes along. So, after thinking a lot — at least internally — we all started calling it JHMS."
'Jab Harry Met Sejal's release is also preponed a week earlier and averting the clash with Akshay Kumar's 'Toilet Ek Prem Katha' on August 11th, the makers of JHMS are now releasing it on August 4th, 2017.
(With inputs from IANS)