After an article published on a portal hinted at Shahid Kapoor suffering from first stage cancer of the stomach, the news spread like wild fire. The piece published as a blind item mentioned the details from actor's his latest film and even the commercials he did in the beginning of his career. There are many Bollywood celebrities who are battling serious diseases including cancer which include Sonali Bendre who was battling cancer in New York for past 6 months and just returned to Mumbai, Rishi Kapoor who has been in the US since September for the treatment of an undisclosed disease[Rishi Kapoor suffering from CANCER? Brother Randhir Kapoor REACTS on the big news] and Irrfan Khan who's been in London getting treated for Neuroendocrine tumor since March this year. Amid all this, the fans got really worried to hear about Shahid's news.

To find out the truth behind this,our reporter Ravi Jain promptly got in touch with a member of Shahid's family. The person was shocked to hear about this and rubbished the news. Calling it absolutely baseless and wrong, the family member further said - "log kuchh bhi kaise likh sakte hain? Aakhir is khabar ka aadhar kya hai? Is tarah ki afwaahein phailaane ko kis tarah se jaayaz tthehraya ja sakta hai?" (How can people write just anything? This news is based on what? Spreading rumors like these is not acceptable)."

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Getting in touch next with Shahid's manager Akanksha, reporter Ravi was told that the news was absolutely fake. Akanksha even revealed that Shahid was amused to know such rumors are being spread about him and laughed at the news.