Kangana Ranaut, who is playing the lead role of 'Rani Laxmibai' in her ambitious project 'Maikarnika - The Queen Of Jhansi', is busy wrapping up the film. Few days ago, there were reports about fallout between Kangana & film's director Krish & the film's shoot being completed in the absence of him. The reports even claimed that Kangana had to step into the director's shoes to make sure that the shoot is completed. Today (30th August) in the morning, a clapboard picture from 'Manikarnika' sets went viral displaying the 'Fashion' actress' name as director.

Kangana clicked on the sets of 'Manikarnika' (Source- Instagram)

Kangana's team has now reacted on the same has posted a clarification on Instagram that Kangana has not replaced Krish but she is looking after things temporarily only as the director has some other work commitments.

'Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi' FIRST poster out: Kangana looks fierce as Rani Laxmibai (SEE PIC)

"Krish Jagarlamudi is the director of Manikarnika and will remain so. Kangana Ranaut has stepped in to shoot just the patchwork on his behalf while he fulfills his commitments in another movie, to make sure that Manikarnika releases on 25th Jan 2019. The clapboard is merely to avoid on set confusion," the statement issued by Kangana's team read.

Check out the post below:

Kangana Ranaut donates Rs 10 lakh to CM Relief Fund for Kerala Floods!

Apart from Kangana Ranaut, 'Manikarnika' also stars Sonu Sood as 'Sadashiv', Atul Kulkarni as 'Tatya Tope',  'Bajirao Mastani' actor Vaibhav Tatwawaadi as 'Puran Singh', TV actress Ankita Lokhande as 'Jhalkaribai' and Suresh Oberoi as 'Peshwa Bajirao II'.

Viral clapboard pic (Photo: Twitter)

The much-awaited film is set to hit the screens during Republic Day weekend next year and will clash with Hrithik Roshan's biopic on mathematician Anand Kumar titled 'Super 30'. After 'Manikarnika', Kangana also has films like 'Mental Hai Kya', 'Panga' and 'Imli' in her kitty.

Are you excited for Kangana's 'Manikarnika'? Tell us in the comments section below!