New Delhi: The death of Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan comes as a shock to everyone. The actor who passed away on Wednesday at the age of 54, at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Hospital, was known for his versatile film roles. Even before becoming a regular in the big screen, Khan is fondly remembered as the twin brother Badrinath/Somnath from the fantasy TV series Chandrakanta. The actor is also known for international success with Oscar Nominate films as Slumdog Millionaire and Life of Pi.

Here are ten things that you may not know about him

  • Irrfan was born in Rajasthan to a Muslim family and his real name is Saahabzaade Irfan Ali Khan

  • Khan was interested in becoming a sports person but due to lack of support from his family, he did not pursue it. He soon discovered acting but this too was not allowed by his family who wanted him to join the family business of tires. In a report by Hindustan Times he said, ‘We were traditional feudal family, so there was no question of me becoming an actor.’

  • Before his break in films, he had acted in numerous television serials, including Chanakya, Bharat Ek Khoj, Sara Jahan Hamara, Banegi Apni Baat, Chandrakanta, Shrikant and Sparsh

  • Irrfan Khan’s first film was Mira Nair’s Salaam Bombay (1988) while he was still a student at the National School of Drama (NSD). But unfortunately, Nair uncast him just two days before the shoot was to begin. But she promised to cast him as the lead in her future films.

  • Mira Nair kept her promise and cast Khan as the lead protagonist in the film The Namesake

  • The actor’s journey has been traced by author Aseem Chhabra in the book 'Irrfan Khan: The Man, The Dreamer, The Star'

  • In 2010, Irrfan Khan was at the same restaurant as Hollywood star Mark Ruffalo in New York and hoped to talk to the American actor. While he thought Ruffalo will leave without meeting him Ruffalo not only recognized him from Life of Pi but also complimented his work.

  • The actor  was battling a fatal Neuroendocrine tumor most of 2019. According to the news report he said the Bollywood songs Lag Jaa Gale Ki Phir Yeh Haseen Shaam Ho Naa Ho, Shayad Is Janam Mein Mulaqaat Ho Na Ho helped to keep his spirits high during this time.

  • Khan married a fellow batchmate from NSD Sutapa Sikdar and is the father of two sons Ayaan and Babil. The couple have collaborated professionally several times for example for the TV series Banegi Apni Baat Khan was the actor while Sikdar was a screenplay writer.

  • Khan has received numerous awards, including a National Film Award and Filmfare Awards. In 2011, he was awarded the Padma Shri, India's fourth-highest civilian honour for his contribution to the field of arts. He received Screen Actors Guild Awards for Slumdog Millionaire under the category Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture.

Also Watch: Actor Irrfan Khan dies 3 days after his mother's demise