Mumbai: Actress Alia Bhatt, who is going to collaborate with filmmaker Sanay Leela Bhansali and superstar Salman Khan for "Inshallah" feels the epic romance drama will be quite a magical journey. She was interacting with the media at Zee Cine Awards 2019 on Tuesday here, when the "Raazi" actress said: "The announcement has been out today and the way I mentioned in my tweet that it's a big dream come true to work with Sanjay sir and Salman.

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"They are like a magical combination together. I can't wait to get on the journey. It's going to be quite magical."

Alia joined Salman in Bhansali's upcoming epic romance drama "Inshallah", which will also mark Salman-Bhansali reunion after 19 years since "Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam".

The actress, who is currently gearing up for the release of "Kalank", shared her feelings on Twitter.

Inshallah: Alia Bhatt confirmed to romance Salman Khan in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next!

A song titled "Ghar More Pardesiya" from the forthcoming film featuring Madhuri Dixit-Nene and Varun Dhawan and herself, got 18 million views on YouTube and was trending at the number 2 on it.

Talking about the overwhelming response, Ali said: "Till afternoon, it got 14 millions views and I am very happy that more and more people are watching the song.

"I have worked very hard on this song. I was very nervous. I was feeling like almost 50 per cent of the film is released so, now I can calm down a bit when the film releases. I will be nervous but excited."

"Inshallah" is a co-production between Salman Khan Films and Bhansali Productions.