Mumbai: Filmmaker Karan Johar has apologised after he "unintentionally" hurt the sentiments of the people from Northeast and said it had "come from a place of no knowledge". The filmmaker, who is currently co-judging reality show "India's Got Talent" along with actresses Kirron Kher and Malaika Arora Khan, often shares behind the scene videos on social media called "Toodle". In one such video late on Monday, Karan was seen pulling Kirron's leg, for wearing a traditional headgear, which was gifted to her by a contestant from Arunachal Pradesh. In this video, Kirron is seen sporting a "bamboo hat"(as she refers to it) while a fan points out it's real name is "Jaapi".

They both begin mocking at each other's dressing which is a regular thing for KJo's 'toodle' videos and while doing so he commented on her headgear. All was fine until Kirron asks why isn't he wearing his!

Karan, too, was given one. But he had not put it on. In the video, Kirron asks why he did not, to which, the filmamaker, goofing around, said: "Because you have guts, I don't."

Kirron Kher shared the video on Instagram 3 days ago, captioning it - "Second Toodles video @karanjohar"

This did not go down well with the fans in the North East and they objected to this in their comments they posted on the Instagram video post. Take a look below: 

Fans react to Karan Johar's 'India's Got Talent 8' behind-the-sceen 'toodles' Instagram video

Karan has now issued an apology for his remark.

"...I would like to apologise if I have hurt any sentiments..... it was purely unintentional and came from a place of no knowledge which is absolutely no excuse."

"I am extremely sensitive to the different cultures of our land and I am very sorry," Karan tweeted on Wednesday.

Karan Johar's apology

Karan Johar's apology

Several users on social media pointed out that Karan was being "disrespectful" towards the "Japi" -- a traditional hat from Assam -- which is a "symbol of respect for all the people of Assam.

(with inputs from IANS)