Disney-Pixar's long-awaited quirky animated superhero family, 'Incredibles 2' crushed the box office with a $180 million opening, scoring the title of the highest debut ever for an animated film on Sunday. That title was previously held by 'Finding Dory' which bowed with $135 million in 2016.
"Incredibles 2" also landed the eighth-biggest domestic opening of all time, and surpassed 2017's "Beauty and the Beast" ($174.6 million), as reported by the Variety.

In 2004 the movie's first part 'The Incredibles' opened with $70.5 million, the second-largest opening at the time for an animated feature. It went on to win the Oscar for best animated film and earn $633 million worldwide. Fans are going berserk over the movie, which is touted to be 'non-stop fun'.
On a related note, 'Incredibles 2' marks the official entry of Bollywood actress Kajol into the superhero world.

Actress Kajol joins 'The Incredibles' family

In the film, Kajol lends her voice to the character 'Helen Parr' aka 'Elastigirl' The movie is based on the life of Parrs, a family blessed with superpowers. Its prequel, the first in the series, was released in 2004.