Mumbai: Days after Anushka Sharma was trolled for being part of the Indian Cricket team's photo at the High Commission of India in London, the 'NH 10' star has said the she doesn't pay heed to such activities. "Whoever had to make a justification on the activity has made it. I feel this was just a trolling activity and I don't react to trolls. Whatever happened has happened within the guidelines and will always happen in the guidelines and I won't say anything more on this," she told media at the trailer launch of her upcoming film 'Sui Dhaaga'.

‘Sui Dhaaga' trailer: What we liked & disliked in Varun Dhawan-Anushka Sharma’s film!

Hitting out at trolls, the 'PK' star added, "Let's not make a huge hue and cry of a topic with such little substance."

On August 7, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) posted a picture on its official Twitter handle in which Anushka, who is married to Indian Cricket team's captain Virat Kohli, can be seen standing with her husband and other members.
Twitterati lashed out at the 30-year-old over the group picture as no other wives or girlfriends of the team members were present at the do.

On the work front, Anushka is all set for her much-anticipated film 'Sui Dhaga- Made In India' alongside Varun Dhawan.
The movie is based on the stories of self-reliance and high spirits of the two central characters, Mamta and Mauji, rooted in an earthy town of India.

The love story is slated to hit the screens on September 28 this year.