Actor Ranveer Singh says he has chosen to keep his personal life away from the public glare and it should be respected. "I consciously choose to protect my personal life from becoming public domain. It's called my personal life for a reason," Ranveer told PTI.
When asked if he feels that his comments in a recent episode of TV show "Koffee with Karan" were blown out of proportion, Ranveer says, "That show is popcorn entertainment. Most of the things that are said on the show are in jest and it should not to be taken seriously."
(Photo- ABP Live)
"There are certain things I wish not to speak of. That's a choice I am making. I wish more and more people respect that," the 29-year-old actor says.
In last Sunday's episode of Koffee With Karan, Ranveer had said that he would marry Deepika as she is "marriage material". There have long been reports that Ranveer and Deepika are dating and while neither of them have come on record to say that, the two actors have worked magic with their chemistry in films like "Ram Leela" and "Bajirao Mastani".
Ranveer will be next seen in "Befikre", which also stars Vaani Kapoor. Directed by Aditya Chopra, the film hits the screens on December 9.