Mumbai: Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor on Wednesday said that she and her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan love watching television shows that based on adventure, history of nature and wildlife wherever they get a chance to watch TV together.

At the launch of Sony BBC Earth that will go on live on March 6 and whose brand ambassador she is, Kareena, asked what kind of TV shows that she prefers to watch, said: "I watch TV quite a lot whenever I get time, to unwind myself. I and Saif love watching adventurous shows together. Watching wildlife, the history and beauty of nature on screen make me feel alive."

Apart from Kareena, those present at the event included Sony Pictures Networks India CEO N.P. Singh, BBC Worldwide's President, Global Markets, Paul Dempsey, Sony Pictures Networks EVP and Business Head Saurabh Yagnik.

The channel has various shows on fun and insightful science including "How & What on Earth", "Wild Wild Earth" on nature and wild life and "The Hunt" among many others.

To a query on the trouble many celebrities face after expressing their opinion on social media, Kareena said: " I would rather watch TV in home and relax than express my opinion on everything and get trolled by people on social media. I am one of the actress who is neither on Twitter, nor on Instagram."