Mumbai: Bollywood director Siddharth Anand has wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming film featuring Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff and Vaani Kapoor, in time for Diwali. While Anand shared a celebratory wrap-up video on Instagram, Tiger did the signature dance up of co-star Hrithik's from 'Kaho Na Pyaar Hai'. Siddharth wrote with the video he shared yesterday, "It's a wrap! Big shot out to the wonderful crew that travelled through various cities, countries, climates and extreme weathers! Making it back home just in time for Diwali! Looking forward to the next banging schedule now."

The crew in the video can be seen hugging each other and director opening a champagne bottle to celebrate the moment.

The director also shared another image of the film's massive crew this afternoon. He captioned this one - "THE CREW"

Tiger on the other hand took to Instagram to post a picture of his with Hrithik standing beside as they are about to enter a chopper in the background. Tiger strikes the dance step of Hrithik and his adorable caption along with it, reads, "Anddd thats our victory dance to an amazing sched wrap! @hrithikroshan : yo! Let me put my bag away and show you how its done 😝 
@yrf @itssiddharthanand #hrithikvstiger".

We are really keen to see if and how Hrithik showed him how it's done afterall.

ALSO - OMG!! Salman Khan comments on Hrithik-Tiger’s dancing style

The yet untitled project, said to be an action thriller, was announced by production banner Yash Raj Films on the occasion of legendary filmmaker Yash Chopra's 85th birth anniversary on September 27.

Anand has directed Hrithik earlier in "Bang Bang", and he has also helmed movies like "Salaam Namaste", "Ta Ra Rum Pum", "Bachna Ae Haseeno" and "Anjaana Anjaani".

(with inputs added in IANS copy)