Mumbai: Rani Mukerji-starrer "Hichki" has raced past the Rs 100 crore-mark in China since releasing on October 12, according to its production banner Yash Raj Films. The film features the actress as a determined teacher who changes lives of innocent students from economically backward strata for the better while dealing with her own nervous system disorder Tourette Syndrome.

Rani Mukerji in a still from 'Hichki' (Photo: Web)

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It is a blockbuster in China with it racing past the Rs 100 crore-mark. Audiences in the country have loved Rani's exceptional acting and it has been recording extremely strong collections since its release, read a statement.

"Good cinema has no language barriers and it connects with the hearts and minds of the audience. The success of 'Hichki' in China proves just that," Rani said.

"We knew we had made a special film but for it to get so much love and acclaim from audiences across the globe is an extremely proud and humbling moment for all of us," she added.

She congratulated producer Maneesh Sharma and director Siddharth P. Malhotra for "creating a gem of a film whose universal message of love has been melting the hearts of audiences in China now".

"Hichki" was titled "Teacher with Hiccup" for its Chinese release. Rani had promoted the film extensively across leading Chinese cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Chengdu.