New Delhi: Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal and his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades surprised their fans when the actor announced that they are having a baby together. Rampal shared a photo with his ladylove Gabriella on social media and thanked her for giving him a baby in a heartfelt post. Gabriella also shared the same picture with a different caption, making the fans go aww. The mommy-to-be flaunted her baby bump in the photo while Arjun wrapped her hands around her. The two lovebirds are currently on cloud nine as they await the birth of their baby.
(Source- Instagram)
Arjun and Gabriella managed to keep the pregnancy under wraps for six months and even Rampal’s estranged wife Mehr Jesia had no clue about it.
A report in a leading daily suggested that Mehr and Arjun’s friends were kept in the dark about Gabriella’s pregnancy. The couple even didn’t tell their close friends including Mehr Jesia about the pregnancy.
For the uninitiated, Arjun Rampal and Mehr Jesia announced their separation last year in May. The ex-couple, who are parents to Mahikaa and Myra, parted ways after 20 years of marriage.
The report in the daily added that Mehra has taken the news of Gabriella’s pregnancy quite sportingly. Her friends told the tabloid that even though Mehr and Arjun haven’t filed for divorce; the former has come to the terms that the ‘Om Shanti Om’ actor has moved on personally.
They are still working out the financial terms of the separation," Mehr's friend told the daily. "Mehr is a wonderful mother and wants to do what works best for her children," Jesia’ friend told Mumbai Mirror.
After his separation with Mehr, Arjun Rampal started dating Gabriella. After keeping the relationship under wraps for some time, the ‘Rock On’ actor shared a post on Instagram to make it official.
On the professional front, Rampal was last seen in the web series ‘Final Call’.
Watch this space for more updates!
Here’s how Arjun Rampal’s estranged wife Mehr Jesia REACTED to his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades’ pregnancy!
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
26 Apr 2019 08:08 PM (IST)
Arjun Rampal’s estranged wife Mehr Jesia was not aware of his girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades’ pregnancy but she took the news sportingly.
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