New Delhi: All 'Hera Pheri' film fans, there is good news for you. The iconic cult favourite film is returning with the third installment finally. After much speculation, the much-awaited franchise starring Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal has reportedly gone on floors. Earlier, Akshay Kumar had announced that he was backing out from the franchise due to script issues. Later, it was being speculated that Akshay Kumar might produce 'Her Pheri 3', and that Firoz Nadiadwala had reinitiated conversation with the actor on public demand.

However, now as per a Pinkvilla report, the OG trio Akshay, Suniel and Paresh Rawal have begun shooting for the film in Mumbai today. Apparently, last week the three met at the Empire Studios in Mumbai to discuss the future of this franchise.

“The original Hera Pheri gang reunites to take this cult franchise forward. While ample meetings about the script have happened over the last few months, the team is now confident that Hera Pheri 3 will do complete justice to all the hype and anticipation around the part 3 of Hera Pheri. Right from producer, Firoz Nadiadwala to the actors – Akshay, Paresh and Suniel are all excited with positivity to return on the set as Raju, Shyam and Baburao,” Pinkvilla quoted a source close to the development.

According to the same report, the first 'Hera Pheri' had also gone on floors at the Empire Studios in Mumbai in 1999 and now 24 years later, it's like the film franchise is coming to a full circle.

Although, no major official announcement or cast details have been announced; the same is said to be revealed over the course of the coming week. The name of the director has also not been unveiled.

For now, it has been reported that Akshay Kumar as Raju, Suniel Shetty as Shyam and Paresh Rawal as Baburao will be returning to reprise their roles in 'Hera Pheri 3'.

Soon after the news began circulating on social media, a meme fest celebrating the announcement has been trending on social media platforms like Twitter. 

Take a look at the excitement people have been sharing regarding 'Hera Pheri 3' announcement on Twitter.