Mumbai: After restricting her old Twitter account for her updates on "film and dance activities", veteran actress and politician Hema Malini has now set up a new Twitter handle only for sharing updates on her Lok Sabha constituency, Mathura.
"Would like to announce my new Twitter handle set up especially for my activities in my constituency, Mathura. Whoever is interested can go through that," Hema tweeted on Sunday night.
The 67-year-old actress also shared her new handle with her fans and well-wishers.
"It is under the user id @hemamalinimpmtr," she wrote.
Hema's desision to restrict her profile to just "films and dance" and also a new account dedicated to her constituency came after she drew flak for tweeting about a film shoot in June when Mathura city was engulfed by violence and tension.
In the violent confrontation between the police and encroachers, 24 persons, including two senior police officers, were killed in firing by encroachers. It caused disruption of life in Mathura and its neighbourhood.
Hema's first tweet on the new Twitter handle read: "Good evening! I've started ths new Twitter handle specially for my Mathura activities. Those interested can keep track of whats happening here."
She also shared that she has been in Mathura for a couple of days.
"Ive been here for past couple of days attending to my constituency needs. Checking out on whatever project that I've set rolling these past two years," she added.
Hema also shared some photographs, where she is seen cutting a customary ribbon for the inauguration.
"Inaugurated RO Plant at janu village in Goverdhan constituency," she captioned the images.