Bollywood actress Kajol, who turned a year older on Sunday (August 5), has shared the trailer of ‘Helicopter Eela’ on her birthday. The film, which is based on the Gujarati play ‘Beta Kaagdo’, has been produced by her husband and fellow actor Ajay Devgn. The Pradeep Sarkar directorial co-starring Neha Dhupia, Riddhi Sen and Mukesh Rishi focuses on a mother-son relationship with Kajol portraying the character of a single mother who sacrifices her dreams to raise her son.  Her son, played by Riddhi Sen, doesn’t want his mom’s life to revolve around him and demands his own personal space. The slice of the life drama film promises to reinvent the norms of parenting.

When his son suggests her to continue her studies, Eela decides to join his college, giving us some sweets moments. Helicopter Eela’s trailer will definitely strike a chord with all the mothers out there who love their children to the core.

Also Read- Happy Birthday Kajol! Journey of 'Helicopter Eela' actress at a glance

Kajol as usual plays the role of a single mother effortlessly. The ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’ actress lights up the screen with her performance, making us eager for the film.

Check out Helicopter Eela trailer right here.

The Bollywood diva had earlier shared a new poster of 'Helicopter Eela' on Instagram and Twitter, creating anticipation among the fans.

Interestingly, this is the not the first time that Kajol has played the role of a mother in a Bollywood film. The diva played the role of a mother in films like ‘My Name Is Khan’, ‘Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham’, and ‘Fanna’. However, it was role of Mandira in Karan Johar’s ‘My Name Is Khan’, which won millions of hearts.

(SRK and Kajol in My Name Is Khan, source-web)

Helicopter Eela' will hit the silver screens on September 7. The film will compete with 'Laila Majnu' and 'Paltan' at the box office.

(Source-YouTube screenshot)

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