The 54-year-old director posted a no make-up picture of the 65-year-old actor and wrote, "This man by being the biggest star ever completely destroys the notion of looks being important for stardom."
He then wrote, "He is a bad looker, doesn't have 6 packs, short with a disproportionate body n knows just 2 nd half dance movements."
Verma then wrote that nowhere in world a man who looks like this can be superstar and he wonders what he did to God that God did this to him.
The director concluded his Twitter spree with, "The greatest psychiatrists in the world will collapse with the challenging task of explaining the Rajni Phenomenon."
When Rajinikanth's fans started showering remarks over the director, he wrote, "Some superdumb fans of Rajnikant dint even realise that I was only complimenting the superstar."