The movie brings to us Urvashi Rautela, Karan Wahi and Vivaan Bathena in the leading light. The trailer begins with the grand entry of the female protagonist of the motion in a hot blazing dress. Urvashi will be seen showcasing her sultry moves coined with bold actions that make the feature a trending buzz. Her role in the motion serves that of a girl who wants endless glamour in her life. She says ‘I want to be a star’.
On the other hand Karan Wahi will play the role of a photographer willing to fulfill Urvashi’s dream of an aspiring star. No doubt, cupid had to play its role in such a scenario. The other male lead, Vivaan Bathena with his dapper moves plays Karan’s brother and will be seen dating the gorgeous Ihana. We also have Gulshan Grover playing the role of the father. The story takes a steep turn when 2 brothers fall in love with the same girl.
Check the trailer here:
‘Hate Story 4’ is all set to drive the audience crazy with some scorching moves of the leading ladies. The sizzling chemistry between the pairs raises the temperature to a next level. Following the protocol of Hate Story franchise it is a thriller mixed with emotions of love and revenge.
Actress Urvashi Rautela was last seen in the movie ‘Kaabil’ doing a dance on song ‘Haseeno ka Deewana’. Famous TV actor Karan Wahi will always be known for his benign role in popular youth show ‘Dil Mil Gayye’. He made his Bollywood debut in 2014 in ‘Daawat-e- Ishq’.
The story of ‘Hate Story 4’ whirls around love, pleasure, hate and revenge. Directed by Vishal Pandya and produced by Bhushan Kumar, it is a T-Series motion slated to release on 9 th of March in Indian cinema.
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