'Badhaai Ho' actor is winning the hearts of the fans, both male and female, with his International Women's Day message he posted just a while ago in the form of a poem that he penned himself. Ayushmann uploaded a video on social media in which he is reciting his own poem titled 'Ek ladki aisi hai jo bachpan mei badi ho gayi' written by himself.

The poem talks about the girls who are unable to go to school and burdened with responsibilities at a tender age and even married off before they reach adulthood.

The poem is beautiful and here's how it goes: 

ek ladki aisi hai jo bachpan mei badi ho gayi

shor se is rozmarra mei ek ansuni si dhwani ho gayi

halko-phulke kandhon pe uttardayitva se sani ho gayi

bhaagte se jeewan mei ruki si ghadi ho gayi

silwaton se chhutpan mei ek kshann mei ghadi ho gayi

kabhi hansi mei behti ek ashroo ki boond malhaar si ladi ho gayi

purush ke chhote paurush ki badi si tadi ho gayi

nar ahankaar ke marusthal mei ghaas ki patti si hari ho gayi

saikdon mard daanavon mei nanhi si pari ho gayi

alpaayu ki vaayu mei bhi godh kuchh bhari ho gayi

aaj na phir parh paayi wo is baat ki ghadi ho gayi

ek ladki aisi hai jo bachpan mei badi ho gayi

Ayushmann captioned the video with a message in hindi: "meri kavita - "ik ladki aisi h ai jo bachpan mei badi ho gayi" #happywomensday #mahiladiwas".

Watch below: 

Ayushman's delivery of his poem is also intense and the 'Andhadhun' actor has touched many hearts with this rendition.

Fans are reacting to the poem with: 

Fans' reaction

Fans' reaction

On work front, the 'Badhaai Ho' and 'Andhadhun' actor recently shared his first look from upcoming film 'Article 15'. He is also doing romantic comedy film 'Dream Girl'.

Other celebrities have also been sharing messages on the occasion of Women's day today.

Check out their messages below: