New Delhi: Bollywood actress Celina Jaitly was on ninth cloud when she was blessed with twins on September 10. Actress was expecting second child with husband Peter Haag. But her world came tearing apart when she lost one of her babies due to heart attack.

Actress shared this bittersweet news with her fans. One of her official fan page gave this info. Status read, “ANNOUNCING THE BITTERSWEET ARRIVAL OF OUR 2nd SET OF TWINS

When it rains look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars... My dearest friends, beloved fans and followers. On the auspicious occasion of Dusshera we would like to take this opportunity to share with you all the following bittersweet news.

The Gods above have blessed us yet again with another set of very handsome twin boys 'Arthur Jaitly Haag’ and 'Shamsher Jaitly Haag’ in Dubai on 10th September 2017. However, life is not always how we plan it to be. Our son 'Shamsher Jaitly Haag’ succumbed to a serious heart condition and could not continue his journey in this world.

Celina & Peter

(@celinjaitly & @peterhaag )”

Check out the status:

Nothing could be more heartbreaking than this!

Celina Jaitely got married Peter Haag in 2011. She is already mother to twins Winston and Viraaj Haag.

Our deepest condolences to Celina Jaitely and Peter Haag.