Mumbai: Akshay Kumar starrer "Gold" will be the first Hindi film which will be releasing in Saudi Arabia, the National Award-winning actor says. An "excited" Akshay tweeted on Thursday night: "The story of India's first Gold medal victory for the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Happy to share, 'Gold' is the first ever Bollywood movie to release in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, in cinemas from today!"

Gold: Akshay Kumar's ninth film to enter Rs. 100 cr club

This TV actor CRITICIZES Mouni Roy’s GOLD & her lip job scene!

A historical sports drama inspired by India's first Olympic gold medal, "Gold" traces the golden era of Indian hockey through the journey of Tapan Das, a young assistant manager who dreamt of playing for an independent nation.

The film also stars Mouni Roy, Amit Sadh, Kunal Kapoor, Sunny Kaushal, Vineet Kumar Singh and Mouni Roy.

Directed by Reema Kagti, the film released on August 15.