The makers of Sultan have decided to release the teaser on the special occasion of Anushka Sharma's birthday. A source reveals, “A lot of people were wondering why Anushka is missing from the teaser of Sultan. The reason is because the production house Yash Raj Films wanted to bring out separate teasers on their characters. That’s why there was no Anushka in the first teaser.”
Also: SULTAN TEASER OUT! Salman Khan flaunts his chiseled body and fierce looks! WATCH VIDEO
Talking about the new teaser the source adds, “While the first one focussed on Salman and was very dramatic and over the topic, the one with Anushka is extremely gritty and real. It is going to blow everyone’s mind because you will see her in a never before seen avatar. It’s not just her clothes, but her dialect and body language. She has gone all out to make sure she looks the part of a wrestler.”
The first look of Anushka Sharma as Aarfa is already getting a thunderous response from the fans. ‘Sultan’ is set to hit the theatres on the eve of EID, July 6, 2016.
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