Mumbai: Actress Genelia Deshmukh called her actor-husband Riteish Deshmukh the world's "best creation" on his 40th birthday on Monday. Reminiscing their memories, Genelia posted an adorable photograph of herself with Riteish on Instagram and wrote: "Dear Forever, I still remember celebrating your birthday on 'Tujhe Meri Kasam' sets... 17 years ago. Time flies and I have had the opportunity to celebrate so many of your birthdays through all these years."

"Your birthday will always be most special to me because it's the day the world got its best creation and that creation is my partner through thick and thin. I love you and I will take every opportunity to remind you of how much I do. Happy Birthday," she added.

Check out her post below (SWIPE LEFT):

The couple, who has featured together in movies like "Masti" and "Tere Naal Love Hogaya", tied the knot in 2012 and welcomed their first child, a son named Riaan, in November 2014. Their second son Rahyl Deshmukh was born in June 2016.

Genelia and Riteish have also reunited on the big screen after four years for a song "Dhuvun taak" in the latter's latest released Marathi movie "Mauli".