Veteran Bollywood actor actor Mithun Chakraborty's son Mahaakshay aka Mimoh was all set to marry actress Sheela Sharma's daughter Madalsa Sharma on 7th July. But, the scheduled marriage got cancelled after a police team reached the venue for the investigation of rape case filed against Mahaakshay and his mother Yogita Bali. But today (10th July), the news came out that the couple has already registered their marriage as scheduled. And today (10th July), Mimoh & Madalsa has finally tied the knot in a traditional ceremony.

Mithun-Mimoh (Left), Madalsa Sharma (Right)

The first pictures from the couple's wedding ceremony are out too. Mimoh's sister & Mithun Chakraborty's daughter Dishani posted the first picture from their wedding on her Instagram account. The picture has been captioned as, "Mr. & Mrs. Chakraborty!! ???? #MimohKiShaadi #TheMnMWedding"

Check out the picture below:

Even after all the controversies, the couple is looking happy together in their wedding pictures. Below are some more pictures from the couple's special day:

Mahaakshay’s fiancée Madalsa’s mother chose not to reply on the CANCELLED marriage!

Speaking about the rape case against Mimoh, a woman filed a complaint against him accusing him of getting into a physical relationship with her on the pretext of false claims of marriage, few days before the wedding. The actress working in Bhojpuri film industry in her statement has alleged that when she became pregnant, Mahaakshay had given her some medicine which led to an abortion.

On 5th July, the Bombay High Court had refused to grant any interim relief from arrest to Bali and Mahaakshay. After the duo moved the Delhi court, Special Judge Ashutosh Kumar on 8th July granted the relief to Bali and Mahaakshay saying they have deep roots in society and are not likely to abscond.

Further investigations in the case are going on currently.

Coming back to Mimoh & Madalsa's wedding, the pictures prove that nothing has affected their relationship.

Here's wishing the couple a happy married life!