New Delhi: The first look of Vishal Bharadwaj directed 'Pataakha' has been released. The movie, featuring 'Dangal' girl Sanya Malhotra along with Radhika Madan, Sunil Grover and Vijay Raaz, is set to hit the theatres on September 28.

Sanya Malhotra took to Instagram to share pictures from the set of 'Patakha'.

The post read, "28th September ??#Pataakha"

The poster showcases the two actors smeared in mud while resorting to violence in the rain.

'Pataakha' is based on an acclaimed short story by renowned writer Charan Singh Pathik.

The film revolves around two sisters, Badki and Chhutki, who grow up in a small village in Rajasthan, and are constantly at war. But when marriage separates them, they realise they can't seem to live without each other.