Bollywood actress Esha Deol and hubby Bharat Takhtani welcomed their first child, daughter Radhya on 20 October 2017. And now six months after the lil one's came to this world the doting mother finally shared the first pic of her baby girl and it will melt your hearts.

Ever since Esha gave birth to her daughter fans were waiting for a glimpse of Hema Malni's grand daughter however the new mommy and her family refrained themselves from sharing any pic on social media.

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Esha & hubby Bharat with newborn daughter outside the hospital when Radhya was born

But on Monday, Esha herself took to Instagram to share an awwdorable pic of her angel. Donning a baby pink frock and matching bow band on head Radhya was looking too cute for words, check it out below:

Don't you think she looks a lot like her mommy Esha?

Here's another adorable pic of the happy family shared by Bharat Takhtani

PIC CREDIT: Instagram