Noted filmmaker Kalpana Lazmi, who us known for directing acclaimed films like 'Rudaali', 'Darmiyaan: In Between', 'Ek Pal' among others, is no more. The acclaimed director had been detected with Kidney cancer last year. Ever since then, she was undergoing treatment and after a long-battle with kidney cancer, Lajmi passed away in the morning today (23rd September). The 61-year-old director took her last breath at 4:30 am at Kokilaben Hospital, Mumbai. Kalpana Lajmi's last rites will be held at Oshiwara Crematorium at 12:30 pm today.

Kalpana Lajmi (Photo: Web)

"She passed away at the (Kokilaben Dhirubhai) Ambani hospital at 4.30 am. She was suffering from a chronic kidney disease and liver failure. 

"She was on dialysis. She has been in and out of the hospital for three years. The last rites will be possibly conducted today," her brother Dev Lajmi told PTI.

Lajmi, a director, producer and screenwriter, was known for working on real subjects. Lajmi's last movie as a director was 'Chingaari' in 2006, based on a novel "The Prostitute and the Postman" by Bhupen Hazarika, who was her partner.

A number of celebs, including Soni Razdan, Dev Benegal among others, tweeted to pay their tributes to her. Check out the tweets below:

May her soul rest in peace!

(With inputs from PTI)