New Delhi: A Bollywood actress has filed a complaint against a Twitter user and a YouTube influencer, accusing them of circulating some messages on social media with the intention to ‘outrage her modesty’, according to ANI. She also alleged that some hashtags were circulated regarding the scenes from her movies.
The prominent actress, who has featured in several Hindi films, accused the Twitter user and YouTuber of online stalking and harassment. According to an official statement issued by Delhi Police, an FIR was registered at Vasant Kunj under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.
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“A film actress filed a complaint alleging that a Twitter user & YouTube influencer has been circulating some messages on social media platforms with the intention of outraging her modesty and some hashtags have also been circulated regarding some movie scenes,” a tweet on ANI’s official Twitter handle read.
The Delhi Police registered a criminal case against the Twitter user and YouTuber under several sections of the Indian Penal Code and IT Act. The case was registered under IPC Sec 354D (stalking), 509 (Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman) and section 67 of IT Act, a report in ANI said.
Police officials are investigating the case, the report in the news agency added.
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