Acing the isle of Bollywood, the millennial diva Jahnvi Kapoor brings you some mushy gossip about the most intriguing Bollywood FAM – ‘The Kapoor clan’ on VOOT Original chat show, Feet Up with the Stars season 2. Anaita Shroff Adajania, the style goddess in a candid tittle-tattle with Janhvi Kapoor will unleash some intimate family camaraderie from the biggest and happening ‘Bollywood khandan’. In a fiery revelation about one of the most quirky and stylish sisters – Janhvi and Khushi Kapoor, Janvhi shared that even though there is zilch amount of sibling rivalry, they are very possessive about their wardrobes.
She added, “Khushi is righteous and that even for sharing clothes, she is like ‘You can’t take them without asking me. Otherwise there is no rivalry but this taking each other’s’ clothes without telling is a big issue. But she is my fashion censor. She has the best sense of fashion from us all.”
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About the very known and popular WhatsApp group, Janhvi spilled some beans about the very fun and active WhatsApp group with the entire young generation of the Kapoor cousins. She shared what actually goes down in that group and how each one of them is a different character in their own right.
All we can say is that this newbie in B-town has just another modern family like us!
Catch her talk about the famous cousins, Arjun Kapoor, her Sonam and Rhea didi in the latest episode of the Voot original chat show ‘Feet Up with the Stars – Season 2’
Feet Up with the Stars 2: Janhvi Kapoor reveals she & sister Khushi Kapoor fight about this one thing!
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
03 Apr 2019 09:17 PM (IST)
'Dhadak' actress Janhvi Kapoor is all set to spill the beans on the Kapoor clan's WhatsApp group in the upcoming episode of 'Feet Up with the Stars – Season 2'.
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