New Delhi: Actor Kangana Ranaut has reacted to a recent video that film producer and wife of actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Aaliya Siddiqui, posted showing the couple arguing. Aaliya shared the post on her social media platform, and Kangana reposted it on Instagram Stories. Kangana voiced support for Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who was subject to Aaliya's demeaning behaviour.
"Itna dukk ho raha hai yeh sab dekh ke...Nawaz saab ko unke ghar ke bahar aise baizzat kiya ja raha hai...unhone apna sab kuch family ko de diya, kai saal rent pe rahe rickshaw mein TWS ki shoot pe aate the abhi last year toh yeh Bangalow? sad looking all these...(Nawaz sir is being humiliated like this outside his home...he gave his everything to his family, he stayed at a rented place for several years..he used to take a rickshaw to TWS shoot. Only last year he bought this bungalow and now his ex-wife came to claim it) sad," she wrote in the first story.
"Nawaz saab ne aaj tak jo bhi kamaya tha apne bhaiyon ko de diya (Whatever Nawaz sir earned till date, he gave to his brothers), ex-wife who he divorced many years ago, they were Co parenting kids she was living in Dubai with children, he even bought her a flat in Mumbai... and he bought a Bangalow for his mother, he took many house designing tips from me, we were so excited, we did house warming party in this house together," she added.
"I never met the ex-wife but now suddenly she has taken over the Bangalow and not allowing him to enter, I just saw he is standing on the road and she is making videos of such a big star, kya badmashi hai yeh (what wickedness is this), I feel like crying... it's not easy to make money from acting jobs, actors work very hard, how can she just decide to keep the house and lock him outside like that," she wrote about the actor's wife.
Kangana also wrote, "I want to request concerned authorities she should be sent to her apartment immediately the one Nawaz sir has bought for her in Everest apartments and from there she can settle legally whatever her demands are, she can't bully Nawaz saab old mother who is still locked inside the Bangalow and waiting for her son and her son the owner of the house who ex-wife not allowing to come inside, they are divorced for many years now she has no right on his properties... and she can most definitely not defame him by making secret videos of conversations and release them out of context in bits and pieces so that he even fears coming home....this is so wrong..."
Nawazuddin can be seen talking to Aaliya in a video that she posted on her Instagram account as he was waiting outside the bungalow's gate.
According to a recent statement made by Nawazuddin's attorney, Aaliya is still married to her first spouse, Vinay Bhargav. In 2011, Nawazuddin and Aaliya tied the knot.