The 46-year-old star on Tuesday put out the poetry on Instagram and wrote, "Sleep my brother sleep, let the vultures gather and the crocodiles weep, let the circus performers juggle, contort, bow and leap, let the shrill get higher let the darkness in the hearts of men get deep Sleep my brother Sleep, RIP Sushant."Along with the caption, the 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' star expressed grief over the demise of Sushant and wrote in the caption, "Gone too soon."
On Monday, Rajput was cremated at Vile Parle's Pawan Hans crematorium after an ambulance carried his cadaver from Mumbai's Cooper hospital to the cremation ground.
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Due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis in the country, only a gathering of 20 people including his family was allowed by the police to attend the funeral.
Rajput, who was 34-years-old, committed suicide by hanging himself on Sunday, Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Sharma had confirmed.
The untimely death of Rajput has sent shockwaves among celebrities and his fans. Scores of actors and public figures from all quarters expressed their condolences to the late actor.