After keeping mum on their relationship status, Bollywood actor-director Farhan Akhtar and VJ-actress Shibani Dandekar kind of confirmed dating each other in October last year after the 'Bhaag Milkha Bhaag' actor posted a picture on Instagram in which the couple is walking hand-in-hand. Ever since then, the much-in-love couple can be spotted together on various occasions giving couple goals to many. Now according to the latest reports, the marriage is on the cards for Farhan Akhtar and Shibani Dandekar.

Yes, you read that right!

Reportedly, the couple is thinking about taking their relationship to the next level and are figuring out if they want to get hitched this year or next year.

Farhan Akhtar with ladylove Shibani (Photo: Instagram)

Speaking about the same, a friend of Shibani Dandekar told DNA that, "They are extremely serious about each other and Farhan’s kids have also warmed up to Shibani, so this looks like the most obvious step for the two.

However, both Farhan & Shibani are yet to react on the same.

Recently, Shibani Dandekar even welcomed New Year 2019 with beau Farhan Akhtar and his daughters Shakya and Akira (with ex-wife Adhina).

For the uninitiated, the 'Don' director got married to Adhuna Bhabani, a hair-stylist by profession, in 2000. After 16 years, the couple announced their separation in 2016. They have now moved on and are happy with their partners. While Farhan is in a relationship with Shibhani, his ex-wife Adhuna is reportedly dating actor Dino Morea's brother & restaurateur Nicolo Morea.

Stay tuned for more updates!