Mumbai: Ahead of the release of Bollywood's upcoming musical comedy 'Fanney Khan', several actors have voiced their opinion against fat shaming as debutant actress Pihu Sand features in the film as an overweight teenager. The film also touches on one of the most common social evils, body shaming. In the movie, Sand plays the role of an obese teenager, who gets criticised time and again for being on the heavy side.
Aishwarya, Anil & Rajkummar Rao on 'Fanney Khan' poster
Debutante actress Pihu Sand, who plays Anil Kapoor and Divya Dutta's daughter, Lata in the upcoming musical drama, had earlier revealed that she added 20 kg to tip the scales at 98 kg.
Earlier, Anil Kapoor had also opened up about body issues faced by Sonam and Arjun, expressing the emotional trauma faced by the two.
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"I think all the criticism came right after my first film. I just stood there but made sure none of the negativity stays back. The fact that I played the role clearly states how I feel about body shaming," said actress Bhumi Pednekar.
Pihu Sand had also revealed that she idolizes Bhumi Pednekar, whose debut venture too required gaining weight for the role.
Moreover, 'Kahaani' star Vidya Balan said, "Wherever you go, I think people are very body-obsessed today. 'Moti' is not an expletive for me. But I don't like it when people comment on my body. Because if I talk about your brain... Brains don't sell, that's why we don't talk about it. We have no right to comment on anyone's appearance. This has happened many times with me. When they see me happy, they are confused. As women, when you are successful, this is a way to drag you down. And I don't give anyone that power."
'Fanney Khan' is a one of its kind musical comedy, revolving around a father who wishes to fulfill his daughter's dream of becoming a singer.
Helmed by Atul Manjrekar, the film stars Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Rajkummar Rao in lead roles.
It is slated to hit the screens on August 3.