It will be understatement to say that Vidya Balan has managed to win hearts with her acting prowess, versatility, strong screen presence. Words fall short when it comes to describing Bollywood’s Sherni. Vidya has ruled the box office by offering something new on the platter every time. Her recent film ‘Sherni’, which premiered directly on Amazon Prime Video, has received an amazing response from the audience.
Critics and fans have showered the ‘Dirty Picture’ actress for playing the role of an upright police officer in ‘Sherni’ with perfection. Just like reel-life character, Vidya has also defied the norms and shattered the glass ceilings.
Everything artist ends up taking something from a film after working on the project for months. After all, an actor spends a considerable amount of time and gives his/her blood and sweat for the character.
Vidya Balan, while exclusively talking to ABP News, revealed her takeaway as an artist from her recent release. After playing the role of a forest officer, the ‘Shakuntala Devi’ actress said that she cannot be indifferent to nature.
“My biggest takeaway from Sherni is that I cannot be indifferent to nature anymore. I cannot want to enjoy the beauty of the nature and not be invested in it. As a lay person, I am not talking as an environmentalist or conservationist, I have realized that as individuals we can do something to protect, preserve and conserve the environment. Unless we do that, we are going to pay very heavily because what we do to nature, nature in turn is going to do the same to us. Like they say- ‘For every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction’. It was never truer than the relationship between human beings and nature,” Vidya said.
‘Sherni’, which has been directed by Amit Masurkar, is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The movie also stars Ila Arun, Sharat Saxena, Vijay Raaz and Neeraj Kabi in pivotal roles.
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