New Delhi: Ek Villain Returns is doing well at the box office, despite receiving poor reviews. The film made Rs 7.05 crore on the first day of release. Released on July 29, Ek Villain Returns had a weak start to the box office run. However, the film's slight rise in ticket sales over the weekend has gained its overall box office performance. At the box office, Ek Villain Returns has earned more than Rs 22 crores in only three days.
Film critic, Taran Adarsh tweeted, “#EkVillainReturns shows an upward trend on Day 3, thus clocking a decent weekend... Mass pockets driving its biz... Mon - Thu biz crucial, the trend will give an idea of its lifetime biz... Fri 7.05 cr, Sat 7.47 cr, Sun 9.02 cr. Total: ₹ 23.54 cr. #India biz.”
The movie is a sequel to the blockbuster movie ‘Ek Villain’ (2014) starring Sidharth Malhotra, Riteish Deshmukh, and Shraddha Kapoor.
The crowd enjoys the action-packed sequences between John Abraham and Arjun Kapoor. In this suspense thriller movie, the female protagonists are played by Tara Sutaria and Disha Patani. The film is depending on the franchise's reputation, as well as the glamour that the two female leads bring to the screen.
Even though ‘Ek Villain Returns’ is working well at the box office, it is not yet clear whether it will continue to increase. In the following week, we'll have to see how it plays out.