Mumbai: Karan Johar has confirmed that debutant Lakshya will be joining actors Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor in the second installment of 'Dostana'. The actor Lakshya aka Laksh Lalwani, who has played a lead role in Sony TV's historical show 'Porus' had made his small screen debut with MTV's 'Warrior High' in 2015 and was also a contestant in 'Roadies X2'. Kjo said the newbie has no Bollywood backings and went through a legit audition process answering queries over his film industry connections. Karan took to Twitter early Thursday morning to announce the new addition to the 'Dostana 2' family with a photograph of Lakshya. And 2 hours later in the tweet followed, he wrote he gave further details about the actor, sharing a news article which mentioned that fans wonder which star kid was he!

"Both happy and excited to introduce the new kid on the Dharma block! Lakshya will be making his debut with us in 'Dostana 2' and from thereon, we hope to start a solid cinematic journey together! Please welcome Lakshya and shower him with all your love and blessings," Karan wrote in his first tweet.

He then said that Lakshya has no Bollywood backings and was selected for the film through an audition, in his 2nd tweet later.

"Yes, I woke up to several inquiries asking about his film industry connections! He is not from the business and went through a legit audition process! Am grateful to Shanoo Sharma for introducing Lakshya to Dharma Productions."

So, Lakshya is finally the "suitable boy" the makers and actors have been teasing fans about since the announcement of main leads Kartik-Janhvi.

Karan Johar had teased about the entry of a fresh face in the cast in end of June by sharing a explainer video, captioning it- "The return of the franchise with unlimited madness! Kartik Aaryan, Janhvi Kapoor & a soon to be launched fresh face - making it the trio for Dostana2, directed by Collind Cunha".

'Dostana 2 is a sequel to the 2008 film 'Dostana' which was directed by Tarun Mansukhani and featured Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham and Priyanka Chopra in lead roles. The story revolved around two men who pretend to be a gay couple in order to secure an apartment. Both fall in love with the same girl.

Laksh Lalwani aka Lakshya in 'Porus' (Pic: Sony TV)

Details related to 'Dostana 2' are still under wraps however there have been various reports and speculations made over Kartik-Janhvi's roles in the film with some believing they would romance each other while others say Kartik and Janhvi will play siblings in the romantic comedy.

The new 'Dostana 2' entry, actor Lakshya, has also appeared in various other TV shows which are 'Adhuri Kahaani Hamari', 'Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya' and 'Pardes Mein Hai Mera Dil' apart from Roadies X2', 'Warrior High' and 'Porus'.

(With inputs from IANS)