New Delhi: Stalking Bollywood actresses has become the most common thing today. With many cases coming to light, film stars are actually scared as to how dangerous any stalker can turn out to be. A most recent case is of Bollywood actress Shruti Haasan who recently filed a police complaint against K G Guruprasad, a stalker who’s a Karnataka-based doctor and has threatened to kill her. Reportedly, he has been sending the actress abusive and derogatory messages on Twitter since September 7 this year.
A report in DT Next states that Shruti Haasan submitted a two-page complaint to the Cyber Crime grievance cell at the City Police Commissioner’s office on Wednesday in Chennai.
She mentioned that the stalker had used expletives and derogatory terms to abuse her and also in few messages he has threatened to kill her. The details said that according to the accused, he would stab the actress if he managed to get near her.