95-year-old veteran Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar, who was in the hospital last month due to chest infection & mild pneumonia, has got admitted again. Dilip Kumar, whose real name is Muhammed Yusuf Khan, is suffering from pneumonia again and got admitted to hospital last night (7th October). A tweet from actor's verified Twitter profile just shared this news with fans. The tweet reads, "Want to inform you @TheDipikpKumar has been admitted to hospital last night. He's being treated for recurrent pneumonia. Praying...will keep you updated on twitter. --FF (@faisalMouthshut)"

Check out the tweet below:

The tweet has been posted by Dilip Kumar's family friend Faisal Farooqui who takes charge of the veteran actor's social media account whenever the 'Naya Daur' actor couldn't be active himself.

Recently there were reports of Dilip Kumar's deteriorating health which claimed that he is unable to recognize his wife and people around him. But his wife & veteran actress Saira Bano rubbished the reports and said that, "All is well, all is fine and nothing of this sort."

Known as the 'Tragedy King of Bollywood', Dilip Kumar has given memorable performances in films such as "Andaz", 'Aan', 'Madhumati', 'Devdas' and 'Mughal-e-Azam'.

Get well soon!

Stay tuned for more updates related to Dillip Kumar's health!

UPDATE - Dilip Kumar stable; Was admitted to hospital where he’s being treated for recurrent pneumonia