Janhvi Kapoor and Ishaan Khattar are all set to star together in Dharma Productions' upcoming movie, 'Dhadak'. The trailer of the flick came out a few days back, and fans have been raving about the leading duo's chemistry. Now, Dharma Productions' official Instagram handle shared a behind-the-scenes picture of Janhvi and Ishaan sharing an inside joke. "Meanwhile, behind the scenes @janhvikapoor & @ishaan95 just cannot get enough of their inside jokes!?? #DhadakTitleTrack @karanjohar @apoorva1972 @shashankkhaitan @zeestudiosofficial @dhadak_2018 #Dhadak," read the caption.

Directed by Shashank Khaitan, 'Dhadak' is a remake of the Marathi hit 'Sairat'. Meanwhile, Ishaan and Janhvi kick-started promotions of the movie from Tuesday(June 19).

Janhvi Kapoor-Ishaan Khattar kick-start the promotions of DHADAK

The film will hit the big screens on July 20.