New Delhi: Remember Bharti Malhotra, the Delhi girl who was rumored to be dating Ranbir Kapoor? Well, we had published a latest report on her that she is dating some guy called Prateek and not Ranbir Kapoor. But the recent update is that Bharti has spoken up about the whole thing. Shocked and clueless at the situation, Bharti has come forward to clear her stand on the same.


The model and makeup artist, a west Delhi resident, cleared her air to TOI, she said, “I did not know how to address this before. Now it is important for me to come out and clear this confusion, to put a stop to all these reports,”

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She added, “Last week, I got a call from a friend who asked me if I was dating Ranbir Kapoor. Like any other girl with no connection to Ranbir or even Bollywood, I thought someone was playing a prank on me. Then I got to know that I was being tagged as 'Ranbir's new Delhi-based girlfriend' by a news channel," she says. "I started reading the internet reports and was shocked. Earlier, there were reports saying that Ranbir was spotted with some 'mystery girl', and then suddenly, I was suspected to be that 'mystery girl' and my Facebook pictures were used with those reports. I have no clue who started this or how this was reported without anyone trying to reach out to me. I did make a few calls to some publications to have the online reports removed. I told them that I am not dating Ranbir Kapoor, but it was of little help. Some websites removed the link, but I realised that some portals were adding more juicy, false details to the dating rumour. I did not know how to stop that. Everyone started talking about it, but I have had enough of this.”