New Delhi: Bollywood actress Taapsee Pannu, who is currently receiving rave reviews for her performance in the recently-released trailer of her next film 'Thappad', has took a small-break from work & reached Delhi yesterday (February 7) with her mother to cast her vote in the Delhi Assembly Elections. Polling for the 70 seats of Delhi Assembly  finally began at 8am in the national capital today (February 8) amid tight security. The 'Judwaa 2' actress has casted her vote post which she took to her social media account and shared a picture with parents & sister Shagun Pannu.

In the picture, Taapsee & her family members are beaming with joy as they are flashing their inked fingers post voting. Posting the picture on Instagram, Taapsee wrote, "‘Pannu Parivaar’ has voted. Have you ? #VoteDelhi #EveryVoteCounts"

Take a look at her post below:

Delhi Elections 2020: Riteish, Richa, Kritika & Other Celebs Urge Delhites To Vote

Yesterday, the 'Mission Mangal' actress flew to Delhi and shared a picture from the flight as her Instagram story and wrote, "A short break from work to make sure WE VOTE!"

(Photo Credit: Instagram)

On work front, Taapsee's 'Thappad' is all set to hit the theatres later this month on February 28. She also has films like 'Haseen Dilruba', Rashmi Rocket' and 'Shabaash Mithu' in her kitty.

Coming back to Delhi polls, the voting will continue till 6 pm in the evening.

Stay tuned for more updates!