Newlyweds of Bollywood Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are hosting their first wedding reception in Bengaluru today. The grand reception is currently underway at The Leela Palace, Bangalore and various pics and videos from the venue is going viral on social media.

It was a sight to behold when Deepika and Ranveer emerged in the public glare. The couple, who tied the knot on November 14 and 15 at Lake Como in Italy, are hosting their first reception in Deepika's home city tonight.

Deepika-Ranveer reception PICS: Benarasi gold sari, emerald choker, rani haar; All you need to know about Deepika Padukone’s outfit at Bangalore Reception

Soon after the couple arrived on stage to greet the media, the duo were all smiles and it's almost impossible to take eyes off the lovebirds. The duo too looked totally smitten by each other, but amidst all the blushing of new bride Deepika and joy of the goom Ranveer, there was a moment that caught everyone's attention.

Deepika Ranveer Bangalore Wedding reception: Hubby helps wife settle her saree & the video is winning hearts!

Out of the many photographs and videos that have now emerged on social media, a particular video where in the husband and wife make a royal entry from the stairs of Hotel Leela with popular Punjabi track Lamberghini playing in the background is going viral on social media.

In the video, we see the newlyweds making a royal entry in front of the media, walking hand-in-hand :

Here's the song on which #DeepVeer made entry: