It’s difficult to control our excitement considering Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are all set to tie the knot on November 14 and 15. Ever since the two lovebirds announced their wedding on social media, fans have been eagerly waiting to see their favourite couple walk down the aisle. Not just the fans, even Deepika’s team consisting of her trainer, stylist and make-up artist are also excited for her D-day. DeepVeer’s mehendi ceremony is scheduled to be held at Lake Como, today and Deepika’s stylist Shaleena Nathani shared a picture of the ‘Tamasha’ star’s trainer Nam on Instagram.

Nam can be seen dressed up in a traditional outfit and we can see the excitement on his face. Check out the picture!

Shaleena also shared a picture of Deepika’s hairstylist of Gabriel Georgiou on her Instagram story and he can be seen all dressed up for the mehendi ceremony.

(Source- Instagram)

Talking about the wedding, Ranveer and Deepika will be getting hitched as per South Indian and Sindhi rituals. The bride will wear a white & gold saree for her konkani wedding which has been designed by Sabyasachi. The ‘Piku’ actress will wear a red lehenga choli for her Sindhi wedding.

Ranveer and Deepika are said to perform on some of their songs at their mehendi ceremony which will reportedly have a musical ambiance full of Sufi and Punjabi songs.

DeepVeer's sangeet ceremony is also slated to take place today and singers like Harshdeep Kaur, Bobby Patha,  Sanjoy Das and Firoz Khan will be performing at the pre-wedding function.

Deepika Ranveer Wedding:  Details about DeepVeer's Mehendi ceremony 

After returning back to India, Deepika and Ranveer will host their wedding receptions in Bangalore and Mumbai on November 21 and November 28 respectively.

Deepika Ranveer full Wedding Reception Card to media has a QR code for security & appeal for donation!

Watch this space for more updates!

Deepika-Ranveer wedding: Groom to make a grand entry in a seaplane with his baarat?