New Delhi: Acclaimed filmmaker Subhash Ghai, who firmly denied harassment allegations leveled on him by a woman on social media, said he was deeply pained to be gripped in this movement. Taking to his Twitter, the 73-year-old expressed his sorrow for the 'cosmetic world' and also thanked people who know him and how much he respects women.

"Destiny shows u good times and bad times-I m deeply pained 2b gripped in this movement but thank those who know me n my respect I shower to women n their dignity in spite of our cosmetic world we live n react more thru our love affection n respect Now seen in different perspectives," he tweeted.

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Earlier, Ghai, in a statement, denied the allegations and said that it is sad that is becoming a fashion to malign anyone known "by bringing stories from the past without truth or half-truth. I deny, strictly and firmly, all false allegations like these."

He also stated that he has always respected women in his life and at the workplace. Ghai also said that the complainant should go to the court of law and prove her allegations, otherwise he will file a defamation case against the latter.

In the wake of the #MeToo movement, which gained pace in India after Tanushree Dutta accused Nata Patekar of harassing her, accusations are being levelled against many personalities in the media and the entertainment industry, including Vikas Bahl, Alok Nath, and Rajat Kapoor.