New Delhi: Deepika Padukone’s last release ‘Padmaavat’ set the box office on fire and the film emerged as one of the biggest hits of 2018. The Bollywood diva will now be seen in the film ‘Chhapaak’ which is being directed by Meghna Gulzar. The ‘Piku’ actress hasn’t announced any other project other than ‘Chhapaak’, which is based on the life of acid-attack survivor Laxmi Agarwal. However, movie buffs might see her reunite with Ranbir Kapoor on the silver screen.

A report in an entertainment portal suggested that the former couple will star together in Luv Ranjan’s next film. The film will also feature Ajay Devgn.

“In spite of two solid male stars, Ranjan’s film has a terrific role for the female lead. Deepika is the first choice and there’s no reason why she would turn down a plum role,” a source told Bollywood Hungama.

Deepika and Ranbir have starred together in films like ‘Bachna Ae Haseeno’, ‘Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani’ and ‘Tamasha’. While YJHD set the cash registers jingling, ‘Tamasha’ couldn’t do well as expected. However, the Imtiaz Ali directorial was applauded for the story-line and the sizzling chemistry between DP and Ranbir.

(Ranbir and Deepika in Tamasha)

Talking about Deepika, the ‘Om Shanti Om’ actress has reportedly declined to star in Ranveer Singh starrer ’83’.  The film is based on India’s 1983 cricket world cup victory and Ranveer is playing the role of Kapil Dev. Speculations were rife that Deepika was offered the role of Ranveer’s on-screen wife in ’83.

83: Did Deepika Padukone DECLINE to star opposite Ranveer Singh in Kapil Dev biopic due to THIS reason?

Fans were super excited to see Ranveer and Deepika re-unite on the silver screen but it seems they have to wait for some more time. The two lovebirds have delivered blockbusters in the form of 'Ram Leela', 'Bajirao Mastani' and 'Padmaavat' and DeepVeer fans expect their next project to also do well at the box office.

Watch this space for more updates!

Also READ- 'Strict wife' Deepika Padukone BANS hubby Ranveer Singh from doing these 3 things!