New Delhi: The Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham starrer 'Pathaan' is still having a great run more than a month after its release. Sridhar Raghavan, the writer of Pathaan, recently hinted that the lead roles in a new action movie would go to two female characters from the YRF Spy Universe: Katrina Kaif's Zoya in the 'Tiger' series and Deepika Padukone's Rubai in 'Pathaan'.

In an interview with News18, the screenplay's writer Shridhar Raghavan raises a hint that a movie set in director Aditya Chopra's spy universe and starring Deepika and Katrina may be in the works. Speaking about how the producers hope to fill the gap left by the lack of female-led spy movies in Bollywood. 

"There’s a vacuum of those kinds of stories (women-led spy films) here. I’m pretty sure we’ll be filling that up. So, yes, there’s definitely a plan to make a spy film with the women,” he said.

Sridhar, who was also the screenplay writer of War (2019) that featured Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff, further said, “There’s no limitation here and we don’t just plan on working with Hrithik, Shah Rukh sir and Salman sir. There are two other crucial characters in the universe – Rubai and Zoya."

The YRF Spy Universe is a fictional universe that is centred on a series of espionage action-thrillers that include various fictitious RAW agents. 

The writer says that 'Tiger 3' will be a huge part of the universe since it will provide the viewers with a focus and a taste of the world that the makers intend to create.

“Tiger 3 is in the process of being made and some other films are already being scripted. There are more stories that Adi sir has planned, which will explore every aspect of this universe. Tiger 3 will give you more illumination on the world that we’re creating. We’re playing around with a lot of things and we’re essentially having a lot of fun doing so,” he says. Shridhar adds, “There’s so much more to explore. Something like a spy universe hasn’t been explored in Hindi cinema. It’s a bit of a playground and we’re like a bunch of kids who’re extremely excited. There are lots of intentions and plans, and hopefully, we’ll do a decent job,” he said. 

'Tiger 3', a YRF Spy Universe film starring Katrina and Salman Khan, is about to hit theatres on November 10, 2023.