New Delhi: Actor Deepak Tijori filed a case of cheating against Mohan Gopal Nadar, co-producer of his film Tipppsy, at Amboli Police Station in Mumbai. According to the actor, he was allegedly duped of Rs 2.6 crore by Mohan. The FIR was lodged on March 15.
According to ANI, a case has been registered against Nadar under sections 420 (cheating and dishonesty inducing delivery of property) and 406 (criminal breach of trust) of the IPC. Mumbai police have initiated a probe into the matter.
"The actor and the accused had signed the contract in 2019 for the movie Tipsy. The accused did not pay the money and the cheque issued to him kept getting bounced. We are probing the case, and no arrest has been made so far," Times of India quoted Amboli police senior inspector Bandopant Bansode as saying.
As per ANI report, Deepak told Police, that the film was scheduled to be shot in London in 2019. Considering that, Deepak entrusted Nadar with Rs 2 crores and 60 lakhs. But Deepak claimed that the film was not completed in time. After repeatedly asking for the money's repayment, Nadar dodged him by giving various excuses. Cheques issued by him also bounced.
Directed by Deepak Tijori, this movie revolves around five girls on a bachelorette trip to Goa. The film stars five actresses, including Natasha Suri.
Deepak will also make his acting comeback with the upcoming romantic film Ittar. Directed by Veena Bakshi the film also stars actor Rituparna Sengupta in the lead role.
Last month, Taran shared the first look motion poster of the film on Instagram. He captioned, "DEEPAK TIJORI RETURNS TO ACTING WITH ITTAR... Deepak Tijori will be seen in a new avatar in Ittar, a mature love story directed by National Award-winner Veena Bakshi... Deepak features with National Award-winner Rituparna Sengupta in the film, produced by Triforce Entertainment."
(With input from ANI)