Mumbai: The trailer of Ajay Devgn, Tabu & Rakul Preet Singh's 'De De Pyaar De' has just dropped and the audience are totally loving it but there is something that's irking them as well. It it the presence of 'sanskari babu' Alok Nath in the film playing Ajay Devgn's father, that has taken online users by surprise. TV producer Vinta Nanda had accused Alok Nath of rape last year and post which the #MeToo wave hit the Industry hard.

Everyone wonders what Alok Nath is still doing in Ajay's film!

Ajay on Tuesday at the trailer launch event which was held on his 50th Birthdya, refrained from commenting on the #MeToo allegations against his "De De Pyaar De" co-star Alok Nath. When producer Luv was asked to comment on the same, Ajay intervened saying, "This is not the right place to talk about it."

Vinta Nanda speechless after Alok Nath plays judge in the film around #MeToo titled ‘Main Bhi’

Ajay further added trying to explain the situation, saying- "And jinki aap baat kar rahe hai woh film uske pehle complete hui (the film was completed before the allegations surfaced against the concerned person)".

While Ajay Devgn celebrates his 50th Birthday today, his character in the film is also interesting the same age and who is in love with a girl 24 years younger than him, aged 26. Divorced with his wife Tabu 18 years ago in the film, his kids have now grown to be around the same age and when they meet his new girlfriend, the journey in nothing but a laugh riot.

‘De De Pyaar De’ trailer launch: Female actors have more shelf life today, says Ajay Devgn on co-star Tabu

The film featuring Tabu and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles opposite Ajay is directed by Akiv Ali. 'De De Pyaar De' is scheduled to release on May 17th.