Superstar Salman Khan has courted controversy after comparing himself to a "raped woman". Outraged by his remarks, the audience soon trolled him on social media. The National Commission of Women has also asked Salman Khan to apologize within a week. While Salman remained unavailable for the comment, amid these reports, Salman's dad Salim Khan took to Twitter to express how he feels about the whole controversy.

Salim Khan also apologized publicly on behalf of his son's ''rape statement'' and asked for forgiveness. Here is what he said:

Salim Khan wrote, '' Undoubtedly what Salman said is wrong, the simili, example and the context. The intention was not wrong.''

He further wrote, ''Nevertheless I apologise on behalf of his family his fans & his friends. Forgiveness is to pardon the unpardonable or it is no virtue at all''

He also stated, ''To err is human to forgive divine. Today on Intl yoga day lets not run our shops on this mistake.''


Also: NCW Demands APOLOGY from Salman over ‘Rape Statement’ while ‘#SalmanMisquoted’ trends on Twitter!

SHOCKING! Salman Khan compares himself to a ‘RAPED WOMAN’; Gets trolled on TWITTER!